Madagascar 2

Madagascar 2

By Peter Petersen

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Ptychochromis insolitus in phototank next to pond

The endemic critical endangered Ptychochromis insolitus from a pond in the village Marotandrano, Madagascar.

Mozambique Tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus

One of the more than 26 introduced fish species in Madagascar. This is Mozambique Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) from the same pond in Marotandrano.

Rice fields in Madagascar

A paddy field with rice in Sofia, Madagascar. Large quantities of freshwater is diverted from the rivers to these flooded lands to grow the semiaquatic crops. 

Dry river

Diverting the water can result in very shallow rivers with poor circulation especially during the dry season. This photo is from Mahajamba river in Boeny.  This river is part of Pachypanchax arnoldi natural range, but we were sadly not able to find any here. 

Pachypanchax sp. sofia in phototank and Peter Petersen

At collecting site 5 a local fisherman caught 2 large specimens of an undescribed native species of aplocheilid killifish called Pachypanchax sp. Sofia.

Here they are in a phototank with their habitat in the background. Water temperature was 22.6 degrees C and pH 7.16.

Pachypanchax sp. Sofia Male

The large male Pachypanchax sp. Sofia. Notice the coloration especially and slender body shape typical for males (Collecting site 5). 

Pachypanchax sp sofia female

A large female Pachypanchax sp. Sofia probably with eggs (Collecting site 5).

African Freshwater Goby Awaous aeneofuscus

The native African Freshwater Goby (Awaous aeneofuscus) is widespread and also found at this location.

Head of African Freshwater Goby Awaous aeneofuscus

The African Freshwater Goby (Awaous aeneofuscus) can be found all over the East coast of Africa and on Madagascar. This species can be found in saltwater, brackish and freshwater. 

Group of children around Charles

The children in this village were very interested in our work. Charles shows them some of the native fish from the river. This village is between Ambohibary and Antsiatsiaka.

Gambusia holbrooki male

We recorded 3 introduced species here: Above you see an adult male Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki).

Xiphophorus maculatus

Above you see an adult male Southern platyfish (Xiphophorus maculatus).

And last but not least the freshwater marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis).

Madagascar Cornales Hydrostachys plumosa

We found the native aquatic plants: Madagascar Cornales (Hydrostachys plumosa) at this location.

Measuring the habitat

Tsilavina is measuring the site.

Rheocles derhami site 6

A group of children from the village helped us look for the critical endangered Rainbowfish Rheocles derhami (Collection site 6). 

Rheocles derhami female

This is a female Rheocles derhami. Like so many other freshwater fish on this island, this species is endemic to a very small area (Collection site 6).

Rheocles derhami male

A male Rheocles derhami (Collection site 6). This collection site is connected to site 5.

Sofia nær Ambalabe

In this habitat in Sofia near Ambalabe. we found introduced Water Lettuce (Pistia stratiotes) and the native Feathered Mosquito Fern (Azolla pinnata).

Pachychilidae pirena Madagasikara

A snail in the family Pachychilidae. Most likely in the genus Pirena also called Madagasikara. This was found at same location near Ambalabe.

seine fishing

Seine fishing is used many places to collect fishes. This method works over sandy and muddy bottoms.

Cast net

Here a local fisherman use a cast net to capture specimens of the endangered cichlid Paretroplus nourissati.

New Tsilavina

Tsilavina Ravelomanana (Ichthyologist at the University of Antananarivo) with Paretroplus nourissati in a photo tank (Collection site 6).

Paretroplus nourissati

Paretroplus nourissati was still present in small numbers in several of our collecting sites (Collection site 6).

Hours of walking in the heat

Many locations were not accessible by car, which often meant several hours of walking in the heat. Most days were 38-42 degrees C in this region (In October 2024).

Jeep offroad

Transportation here is slow and rough. Offroad driving is almost impossible in/after rain but is often the only solution as this region has no roads, just poor tracks. 

Lake Rabelove view

Lake Ravelobe near Ankarafantsika National park was ones habitat of Paretroplus maculatus. But it is now considered extinct in the lake.

Paretroplus maculatus

Above a photo of Paretroplus maculatus from an aquarium taken by Johnny Jensen (

Lake Rabelove

Some believe that a small population still exists in this lake but the presents of Crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus) makes a complete search of the lake very difficult.

Ptychochromis inornatus

In Anjingo River a local fisherman caught these fishes. The endangered Ptychochromis inornatus (Collection site 4) .

Water temperature: 28.8 Degrees C.

Teramulus waterloti

The endangered Teramulus waterloti belong to the family Atherinidae and the species is endemic to this river drainage (Collection site 4).

Collecting eDNA

First we collected eDNA samples. After that we tested the water parameters of the locations. 

Pachypanchax sparksorum male

The Pachypanchax sparksorum is also endangered. This is a male. These 3 fish were collected in the same river drainage (Collection site 2).

Pachypanchax sparksorum female

This is a female Pachypanchax sparksorum. The species is endemic and belong to the family Aplocheilidae (Collection site 2).

Caridina and Pachychilidae

A native freshwater shrimp in the genus Caridina. Possibly Caridina typus with a native freshwater snail from the family Pachychilidae (Collection site 2).

Pachypanchax sparksorum above water

A male specimen of Pachypanchax sparksorum above water (Collection site 2). At this site we measured a water temperature of 29.7 degrees C.

DNA samples from fish

We measured and weighed the fish specimens and did DNA sampling. 

Helicopter Ferns Genus Marsilea

Helicopter Ferns (Marsilea sp.) seem to be common aquatic plants here. We found them at several locations.

PM  Site 1-2 Site 3-4 Site 5 Site 6-8  Unit
Temp. 29.7 28.8 22.6 24.1-24.6 C
pH     7.16


KH 4.41 1.92 2.3 4.64 °dKH 
Sal. 0 0 0 0 PSU
Cl 4.43 3.10 2.66 3.59 mg/l
Na 13.97 6.47 5.84 15.34 mg/l
Mg 4.53 0.01 0.01 6.51 mg/l
0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 mg/l
Ca  10.83 3.37 3.20 8.59 mg/l
K 4.80 5.84 3.27 3.74 mg/l
Br 0 0 0 0 mg/l
Sr 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.07 mg/l
0 0 0 0 mg/l
0.28 0.51 0 0.31 mg/l
Li 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Si  19204 10043 7436 10425 μg/l
 I - - - - μg/l
Ba 87.47 21.29 20.52 67.14 μg/l
Mo 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Ni 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Mn  0 0.98 0 0 μg/l
As  0 0 0 0 μg/l
Be 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Cr 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Co 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Fe 0 7.48 153.1 5.76 μg/l
Cu  0 0 0 0 μg/l
Se 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Ag 0 0 1.55 0 μg/l
V 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Zn 0 4.44 0 0 μg/l
Sn  0 0 0 0 μg/l
NO3 0 0 0 0 mg/l
P 0 0 0 0 μg/l
PO4 0 0 0 0 mg/l
Al 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Sb 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Bi 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Pb 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Cd 0 0 0 0 μg/l
La 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Tl 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Ti 0 0 0 0 μg/l
W 0 0 0 0 μg/l
Hg 0 0 0 0 μg/l

Water parameters from the locations sites 1-8.


Bushfires are a common sight all over the island.

Burned grassland and a broken car

Car trouble and burned grasslands. In Madagascar cattle owners often burn large areas to rejuvenate fresh growth for the zebu (Bos indicus).

vBurned grass

Only a few species of grass can survive the fires.


Another reason for the many fires in Madagascar is the production of charcoal, which are mainly used for cooking. 

Sunset over Beratsimanana

Sunset over Beratsimanana


A special thanks to:

Den Blå Planet, National Aquarium Denmark

Charles-Edouard Fusari (Director of the Tropical Aquarium of the Palais de la Porte Dorée, EEP Coordinator for Bedotiidae)

Tsilavina Ravelomanana (Ichthyologist at the University of Antananarivo)

Fetra Andriambelomanana (Ichthyologist at the University of Antananarivo) 

Samantha Guillaume Slatter (Registrar and Curatorial Data Assistant at Zoological Society of London, EEP Coordinator for Aplocheilidae)

Johnny Jensen (Photo of Paretroplus maculatus)

Sandratra Emmuël Rakotomanga (Amphibia)

Mino (Min)

Nero Baobab Spannring



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Costa Rica

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Ladybird spider (Photo article coming soon)



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